Read our interview with
James Price
James Price
When James Price upgraded to the new Majestic range, he chose a 120cm wide cooker in matt black with brass handles. On top of the stove he has eight gas burners, where a Fry Top, which can be taken off and on, is placed on top of two of the burners. He explains that the new model is generally similar to the old one, but the stove has some new features that are worth highlighting.
"There are some really good features that come with the new model. The stove has, among other things, an excellent wok flare that really gives bang for the buck. I'm also happy with the Fry Top, which you can of course fry directly on, but which can also be used as a large simmering plate where you can place smaller pots.
In addition, the oven can reach up to 320 degrees, which means you can make a really decent pizza," says TV chef James Price. In addition, the new Majestic model also offers, among other things, a touch display for oven control, gas burner designed with nanotechnology for easier cleaning and a larger oven volume. Watch this video where James Price shows the new features of the Majestic range in his own kitchen.
Den folkekære komponist, kapelmester og kok James Price har i mange år været den glade ejer af et ILVE-komfur. Han sætter stor pris på tilpasningsmulighederne, rengøringsvenligheden, de fantastiske features samt den frihed og afslapning, det giver ham i hverdagen.
James Price has had an ILVE stove for 10 years and was very happy with the old Majestic model. In June 2020, it was replaced with a 120 cm stove from ILVE's new Majestic series. He explains that he greatly appreciates having an exclusive stove in his private home.
"Every single day you stand at your stove and cook - at least I do. And it's nice to have a good stove with decent space. Back when I had four flares, I quickly ran out. It became some pot-boxing. Now I never lack space on my stove anymore," says James Price, who has a total of eight burners on his new ILVE stove.
However, the joy of the ILVE cooker is also about much more than space.
"I think it gives a colossal freedom. In principle, there is no food I think I can't cook at home now that I have an ILVE stove. It is clear that it is inspiring in everyday life that I am not limited by anything in my kitchen," he explains.
Before James Price invested in his first ILVE stove 10 years ago, he had a stove from the French brand Godin. It was 8-10 years behind him, when he had to move and couldn't get the stove over to his new home.
“When I moved from there, I thought that I couldn't do without something that reminded me of the Godin stove. Fortunately, I came across ILVE," says James Price and adds:
"It was a lovely and beautiful stove, but compared to ILVE's stoves it was much more trouble to clean. It was necessary to use cotton swabs and toothpicks to get fry dirt out of the grooves, which was a bit impractical. It means a lot that a stove is easy to clean.”
"It is absolutely excellent that you can customize the stove"
Something special about all of ILVE's stoves is that you, as a buyer, can tailor it so that it fits your kitchen in both color and functionality. It is a service that James Price has been very happy with.
"It is absolutely excellent, and it is clearly an advantage of ILVE that you can adapt the stove. Of course, this is also part of what you pay for. You invest in a very expensive work tool when you choose a stove from the Majestic series, and it is clear that you want to decide as much as possible," he says and compares it to when you make other large investments:
"It's a bit like buying a car - it costs a lot of money, and you want to help decide the look and functionality."
However, ILVE also has other products that are not in the same price range as the Majestic series. In particular, the built-in options and the Pro Line series are popular with those looking for a more budget-friendly price.
For ILVE, it is a goal to help prolong the joy of a good meal, so that it also includes the actual cooking. Fortunately, this is something that James Price can feel about his new stove, whose many functions provide inspiration for everyday cooking.
"I am a bandmaster and composer and I sit at the keys and the computer on a daily basis, where I work with music. It can be a somewhat slow process, with the result often weeks or months ahead," explains the food-loving bandmaster and continues:
"That is one of the reasons why I have always used cooking as a way of relaxation. It gives me time to think and to play around with ideas. It's very meditative for me to make something with my hands - and unlike working with music, here I have a result within a few hours. I always enjoy cooking at my ILVE stove.”